Waldo World #1
Waldo World #1
1st Printing
Waldo World #2
Waldo World #2
1st Printing
Waldo World #3
Waldo World #3
1st Printing

Weird Smut Comics #1
Weird Smut Comics #1
1st Printing
Weird Trips #1
Weird Trips Magazine #1
1st Printing
Weird Trips #2
Weird Trips #2
1st Printing
Wet Satin #1
Wet Satin #1
2nd Printing
Wet Satin #2
Wet Satin #2
1st Printing
1st Printing
White Comanche
White Commanche
1st or 2nd Printing
White Lunch Comix #1
White Lunch Comix #1
1st Printing
White Whore Funnies #1
White Whore Funnies #1
1st Printing
White Whore Funnies #2
White Whore Funnies #2
1st Printing
Who Took the Drugs?
Who Took the Drugs?
1st Printing

Wimmen's Comix
Winging It #1
Winging It #1
1st Printing
Wonder Warthog and the Battle of the Titans
Wonder Warthog and the Battle Of The Titans
1st Printing
Wonder Warthog #1
Wonder Warthog #1
1st Printing
I Want
WonderWarthog #2
The Best Of Wonder Warthog #1
The Best Of Wonder Warthog #1
1st Printing
The Best Of Wonder Warthog #1
The Best Of Wonder Warthog #1
2nd Printing
The Best Of Wonder Warthog #2
The Best Of Wonder Warthog #2
1st Printing
The Best Of Wonder Harthog #3
The Best Of Wonder Warthog #3
2nd Printing
Works of Art Comics
Works of Art Comics
1st Printing
    Who Is Sir Real