Bruce Bolinger - 1
Paul Mavrides - 2(t)
Kathe Todd - 3(t) ? - 3(a)
Carol Lay - 4-5
R. Diggs - 6-14
Judy Becker - 15-16
Mike Bannon - 17-20
Lyndal Ferguson - 21-22
Nicol Cuti - 23-31(a)
Adam Burchess - 23-31(s)
Bill Pearson - 23-31(l)
Joshua Quagmire - 32-39, 50, 52
Angela Bocage - 40-43
Tom Roberts - 44-45+
Jim Siergy - 44-45+
Jorge Pacheco - 46-47
Gilbert Shelton - 48-49
Zack McInerny - 51+
R.L. Crabb - 51+
Guy Colwell - 51+
Larry Welz - 51+
Jacques Boivin - 51+
Reed Waller - 51+
2 - Debbie Does Comics
3 - Contents
4 - One Hump Or Two?
6 - Hairydick's Woman
15 - Performance
17 - Oombah, Jungle Moon Man
21 - Lex Sexx From Planet Texx
23 - Chiffon Manor, Tausha's Story
32 - Wyndi, The Jail Bait Witch
40 - Love is the Drug
44 - Solo Flight
46 - Sex Sells
48 - The Adventures of Fat Freddy's Cat
50 - Uncle Joe Explains Perestroika Made Easy
51 - Rip Off Press (ad)
52 - untitled