Rip Off Comix #24
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #n/a
Fall 1989
Rip Off Press
8 1/4" x 10 1/4"
52 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy Color
Guts: White

See also:
SRUCC: Rip Off Comix Series
Comixjoint: Rip Off Comix Series
Comixjoint: Rip Off Comix #24
Grand Comics Database: Rip Off Comix #24

R.L. Crabb - 1, 19-22(a), 45-46
Chris Harmon - 3-8
Joshua Quagmire - 9-14
Mary Fleener - 15-18
Kate Crabb - 19-22(Collage)
Pete Friedrich - 23-25
Gilbert Shelton - 26, 52(ad)
Kevin Atkinson - 27-33
Trina Robbins - 34-35
Dennis Worden - 36-37
Wayno - 38-44
Gavin Wood - 47-50
Hal Robins - 51(a)
Bruce Sweeney - 51(letter)
Dan McClintock - 51(letter)
Patric Conroy - 51(letter)
2 - Contents
3 - A Visit From Uncle Walt
9 - Uncle Joe's Commie Strip
15 - Slug Fest
19 - San Diego Postcard
23 - It's Fun To Live In Manhattan
26 - The Adventures of Fat Freddy's Cat
27 - In A Perfect World
34 - Looking For Jim
36 - Orange Sunshine At Disneyland
38 - Kangaroo High
45 - Little Greta Garbage
47 - Bonzo In L.A.
51 - Letters To Rip Off
52 - The Collected Fat Freddy's Cat (ad)