Rip Off Comix #21
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #n/a
Winter 1988
Rip Off Press
8 1/4" x 10 7/8"
60 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy Color
Guts: White
20th Anniversary Issue.

See also:
SRUCC: Rip Off Comix Series
Comixjoint: Rip Off Comix Series
Comixjoint: Rip Off Comix #21
Grand Comics Database: Rip Off Comix #21

Gilbert Shelton - 1, 13, 19-30, 60
Guy Colwell - 1(c), 31, 60(c)
Kathe Todd - 2(intro), 29
Jack Jackson =("Jaxon") - 4-11
Fred Todd - 12-15(t)
unknown - 12-15(ph)
Joshua Quagmire - 16-18, 57-58
Ross Foss - 32
Trina Robbins - 33-36
Frank Stack =("Foolbert Sturgeon") - 39, 56
Jim Siergey - 40
Spain Rodriguez - 41-43
Paul Mavrides - 44-46(a,t)
Ace Backwords - 47
Larry Welz - 48-51
Bill Griffith - 52
Mark Bode - 53
R.L. Crabb - 54
2 - Introduction
3 - Rip Off Press 20 Years
4 - Rip Off Press, The Golden Era
12 - The Real Story According to Fred Todd
16 - Uncle Joe's Commie Strip
19 - Rip Off Land, Rip Off Press Looks At Itself
26 - Night Shift
27 - Rip Off Comix Syndicate
29 - The Rip Off Press Private Bus
29 - Another Typical Day at the Rip Off Press
30 - The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers' Urban Paradise
31 - Movie Money
32 - Twenty Years Ago Today
33 - 1969
37 - Magazines Called Rip Off, A Pictorial History
39 - Comics Before 1969
40 - The Watermelon Baby Acid Trip
41 - Conclusive Argument
44 - Fabulous Furry Collaborator
47 - Twisted Image
48 - Y'Say It's Yer Birthday
52 - Zippy Congratulates Rip-Off Press
53 - Miami Mice
54 - My Cosmic Connection With Rip Off Press
55 - Nostalgia Time
56 - Further Adventures
57 - President George
59 - Where To Buy 'Em
60 - Welcome To Rip Off Land