Rip Off Comix #10
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #1693
Rip Off Press
7" x 9 7/8"
52 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy Color
Guts: Newsprint

See also:
SRUCC: Rip Off Comix Series
Comixjoint: Rip Off Comix Series
Comixjoint: Rip Off Comix #10
Grand Comics Database: Rip Off Comix #10

Gilbert Shelton - 1+, 2, 3-7+, 9-18+, 24, 25(t), 48-49, 52
Guy Colwell - 1(c)
Dave Sheridan - 1+, 3-7+
Paul Mavrides - 1+, 3-8+, 50
Hal S. Robins - 1+, 8+, 51
Tony Bell - 9-18+
Joe E. Brown - 9-18+
Frank Stack - 19-23
Onliyu - 25(t)
G. Cifre - 26
Gallardo - 27-31+
Mediavilla - 27-31+
Sento - 32
Marti - 33-35
Max - 36-37
Kim - 38-39
Mazario - 40-43
Montesol - 44
Simonides - 45-47
Jay Kinney - 51(ad)
Don Merritt - 51(letter)
Barbara E. - 51(letter)
Sandra A. - 51(letter)
Mr. Interferon - 51(letter)
2 - Editorial
2 - The Adventures Of Fat Freddy's Cat
3 - The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in the 21st Century
8 - Dinoboy On Mars
9 - Wonder Wart-Hog in the Battle Of The Titans: Part 3, Return of the Future
19 - Frank Crankcase's Time Machine
24 - Gilbert Shelton's Advanced International Motoring Tips: Spain
25 - Special Edition: Spanish Comix
26 - La Dolce Vita
27 - The Day of the Death of John Lennon
32 - Mundo Curioso
33 - Outside The Law
36 - The Day of the Coup
38 - Martinez (The Fascist)
40 - Saturday In The Apartments
44 - The Embarrassing Question Man Asks: "What Is Love?"
45 - An Exit Of Basques
48 - Final Putsch In Spain
50 - Your Comic Book
51 - Letters To Rip Off
51 - Obscure Comix For Mutants (ad)
52 - The Rip Off Press Rooftop Miniature Golf Course and Beer Meditation Gazebo