Gilbert Shelton (Editor-in-Chief) - 1, 2, 3-10+, 16-27+, 28(intro), 52+
Jay Kinney (Managing Editor)
Frank Stack - 1, 11-15
Paul Mavrides - 1, 3-10+, 52+
Dave Sheridan - 3-10+, 52+
Tony Bell - 16-27+
Joe E. Brown, Jr. - 16-27+
Charles Alverson - 28(intro)
Leo Baxendale - 28+, 29-36
Edwin Pouncy (="Savage Pencil") - 28+, 37
Alan Moore (="Kurt Vile") - 38-41+
Steve Moore (="Pedro Henry") - 38-41+
Edward Barker - 42
Tony Benyon - 43
Chris Welch - 44-45
Hunt Emerson - 46-49
Terry Gilliam - 50-51
2 - The Adventures of Fat Freddy's Cat
3 - The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in "Phineas Gets An Abortion"
11 - Jesus And The Bank Robbers
16 - Wonder Wart-Hog in the Battle Of The Titans
28 - British Comix Bonus
29 - Spotty Dick
37 - untitled
38 - Three-Eyes McGurk and his Death-Planet Commandos
42 - The Whacky World of Wildlife
43 - The Lone Groover
44 - Thok
46 - Tower
50 - Another Unfortunate Victim Of Small Print
52 - The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in "Honk For Jesus"