Gilbert Shelton - 1, 3-10+, 31-50, 52
Harry Driggs (="R. Diggs") - 1, 13-18
Dave Sheridan - 1, 19-26
Frank Stack - 1, 27-30
Bill Griffith - 1, 11-12
Ted Richards - 2
Paul Mavrides - 3-10+
Joel Beck - 51
2 - E.Z. Wolf's Kangaroo Court
3 - The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in "The 4th Freak Brother"
11 - Griffith Observatory, "Noo Yawkahs"
12 - Griffith Observatory, "The Rednecks"
13 - Mom Squad
19 - Dealer McDope Does The Showshovel Shuffle
27 - Dorman's Doggie
31 - Wonder Wart-Hog in "Sudden Death"
51 - Clone Sweet Clone
52 - The Rip Off Resort