Frank Stack - fc, 5-94, 95(t), bc
William J. Helmer - 3(t)
fc - The Best of The Rip Off Press, Volume 3, The New Adventures of Jesus
ifc - blank page
1 - Title page
2 - Indicia
3 - A Forward
4 - blank page
5 - Solly's Wedding Feast
6 - Jesus and the Man Possessed by Demons
7 - Stories from the Good Book
9 - Jesus and his Gang on a Hot Day
10 - Stories from the Good Book
12 - Stories from the Good Book
14 - Stories from the Good Book
16 - Stories from the Good Book
18 - Stories from the Good Book
22 - Second Coming of Jesus Christ
25 - Somebody We All Know Rides Again
28 - Jesus Movies
43 - Stories from the Good Book
44 - Jesus Meets the Armed Services
53 - Jesus Gets a Ride
56 - Jesus Joins the Academic Community
59 - Jesus Learns a Thing or Two
62 - Jesus Goes to a Faculty Party
76 - The Daily Grind
81 - A Giant Leap Forward
82 - Some Other Comings
85 - Jesus, Savior of the World
95 - An Afterword by the Author
96 - blank page
ibc - blank page
bc - Four Possible Covers