R. Crumb's
Head Comix
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #959
Viking Press
8 1/2" x 11"
68 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy color
Guts: White
ISBN: 670-01899-6
Softcover version.

See also:
SRUCC: Head Comix, 4th edition
Grand Comics Database: R. Crumb's Head Comix, 1st printing

Robert Crumb - 1, 3-5, 7, 9, 11, 13-66, 68
Paul Krassner - 9-10(intro)
1 - R. Crumb's Head Comix
2 - blank
3 - Title page
6 - Indicia
7 - Contents
8 - blank
9 - Introduce Yourselves
11 - Title page
12 - blank
13 - Definitely A Case Of Derangement
14 - Head Comix
15 - Life Among The Constipated
16 - Fritz The Cat
26 - Keep On Truckin...
27 - Schuman The Human
28 - Ultra Super Modernistic Comics
31 - Mr. Natural, The Man From Affiganistan
32 - Mr. Natural Visits The City
38 - Mr. Natural Meets God
39 - Mr. Natural Gets The Bum's Rush
40 - Mr. Natural Repents
41 - Stoned
45 - Fritz Comes On Strong
47 - Fred The Teen-Age Girl Pigeon
49 - Hey Boparee Bop
51 - Whiteman
55 - Av 'n Gar
56 - Western Man
57 - Big Freakout
58 - The Old Pooperoo Pauses To Ponder
59 - You're Gonna Get There Anyway
60 - Kitchen Kut-Outs
62 - Schuman The Human
63 - It's Cosmic
67 - blank
68 - Just Look What They're Saying