Book 2
2nd Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #n/a
Starblaze Editions
8 1/2" x 11"
184 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy color stock
Guts: White
ISBN: 0-89865-245-6
Softbound book.
The 2nd edition has a $10.95 cover price.

See also:
SRUCC: Elfquest Series
Grand Comics Database: Elfquest #2

Wendy Pini - fc(a), i(a), iii(a), 1-172(a,s+), 175(t+), bc
Richard Pini - 1-172(s+), 175(t+)
Poul Anderson - v(t)
Mary Jo Duffy - v-vi(t)
fc - ElfQuet Book 2
ifc - blank page
i - Title page
ii - blank page
iii - Title page
iv - Indicia
v - Commentaries on the Quest
vii - ElfQuest Book 2
viii - blank page
1 - The Quest Begins
33 - The Dreamberry Tales
65 - Hands of the Symbol Maker
97 - The Lodestone
143 - The Forbidden Grove
173 - The Quest Continues in Book 3
174 - blank page
175 - Afterwords
176 - blank page
ibc - blank page
bc - ElfQuest Book 2, the Quest continues