Cheech Wizard
Volume II
2nd Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #n/a
April 1999
Fantagraphics Books
8 1/2" x 11"
68 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy Color
Guts: White
ISBN: 0-56097-054-5
Softcover book.
Second of a two-volume set reprinting the original National Lampoon series, beautifully reproduced for the first time in the comics' original coloring.

See also:
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard Volume I, 2nd edition
SRUCC: Bodés Cartoon Concert
SRUCC: Vaughn Bodé Diary Sketchbook #1
SRUCC: Vaughn Bodé's Deadbone
SRUCC: Vaughn Bodé's Erotica Vol. 1
SRUCC: Vaughn Bodé's Lizard Zen
SRUCC: The Collected Cheech Wizard, 1st edition
SRUCC: The Collected Cheech Wizard, 2nd edition
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard #1
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard #2
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard #3
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard #4
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard - Schizophrenia, 2nd edition
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard - Schizophrenia, 3rd edition
SRUCC: Orange Bodé, Vaughn Bodé at Syracuse 1965-66, An Annotated Catalog
Grand Comics Database: Cheech Wizard #2, 2nd printing
Don Markstein's Toonopedia™: Cheech Wizard

Vaughn Bodé - 1, 3, 7-65, 68
1 - Cheech Wizard Volume II
2 - blank
3 - Title page
4 - indicia
5 - Contents
6 - blank
7 - Cheech Wizard
12 - School Days
14 - Cheech Wizard Spits Up
15 - True Love Gooses A Hat
16 - Cheech Wizard Eats It
17 - Cheech Wizard An The Psychology of Relativity
18 - Cheech Wizard Discovers A Traitor
19 - Cheech Wizard Comes Straight For God
20 - Cheech Wizard Goes To Town
21 - Cheech Wizard Drops His Balls
22 - Son Of Cheops
23 - Cheech Wizard Gets Killed by a Gook
24 - Cheech Wizard Snuks Acid Scene 1
25 - Cheech Wizard Wacks Off A Log
26 - Pop Poop
27 - Lizard in a Pyramid
28 - Ass
29 - Cheech Wizard Sucks Off A Turnip
33 - Cheech Wizard An His Dead Pal
34 - Cheech Wizard Beats His Gums For Light
35 - Cheech Wizard Basks His Libido
36 - Cheech Wizard Turns A Buck
37 - Cheech Wizard Gets Pneumonia
38 - Cheech Wizard Fixes His Dead Pal
39 - Cheech Wizard Bogarts A Pud
43 - Cheech Wizard Bites The Dust
44 - Bod In Der Sod
45 - Hat In The Box
46 - Night Noodle
47 - Requiem For A Swell Hat
48 - The Sunny Sombrero
49 - Lord Of Da' Bees
50 - The Yellow Hat
58 - Radio Cartoons
63 - Sketchbook
66 - Sources
67 - blank
68 - Lizard in a Pyramid (back cover)