The Cartoon History
of the Modern World
Part 1
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #n/a
Harper Collins Publishers
7 3/8" x 9 1/4"
276 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy color
Guts: White
ISBN: 0-06-076004-4
Softcover book.
From Columbus to the U.S. Constitution.

See also:
SRUCC: Cartoon History of the Universe Series
Grand Comics Database: The Cartoon History of the Modern World #1

Larry Gonick - 1, 3, 5, 9, 10-263
1 - The Cartoon History of the Modern World Part 1
2 - blank
3 - Title page
4 - Also by Larry Gonick
5 - Title page
6 - Indicia
7 - Table of Contents
8 - Acknowledgements
9 - Illustration
10 - Introduction
11 - VOLUME 1, War of the Worlds
27 - Visionary Bungler
35 - The Halls of Moctezuma
60 - Introduction
61 - VOLUME 2, What Goes Around
74 - Potosi
78 - The Other Side of the Story
90 - Going Global
93 - Sikh and Mughal
110 - Introduction
111 - VOLUME 3, Good Works?
124 - Martin Luther
130 - Peasant Revolt
138 - Zwingli Quickie
139 - Divorce, English Style
143 - Vienna Again
146 - Elect This!
152 - Spine-Stiffening Excercises
160 - Introduction
161 - VOLUME 4, The United _____ of _____
164 - Lance Shatters France
166 - Low Blow
172 - You Say "Lepanto"
175 - Wedding Bells
178 - Dutch Master Disaster
182 - Merrie, Merrie, Quite Contrarie
188 - What's Paris Worth?
192 - And The Winner Is...
197 - Only A Theory
204 - Thirty Years
210 - Introduction
211 - VOLUME 5, Let's Be Reasonable!
212 - Canada
218 - Protestant vs. Protestant
224 - Beastie Boy
228 - Let's Be Reasonable!
236 - Dr. Locke's Medicine
242 - Fifty Years
244 - Ohio, 1754
248 - Oops!
259 - Books, Sites, etc.
264 - blank
265 - Index
270 - blank
271 - About the Author
272 - blank
276 - Testimonials (back cover)