The Apex Treasury of Underground Comics
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #95
October 1974
Links Books
7 1/2" x 10 1/2"
196 pages
Printrun: 30,000
Cover: Glossy color
Guts: White
ISBN: 0-8256-3042-8

Paperback book.
Says "1st Printing" at the bottom of page 6.
The last two pages of the Kim Deitch Potato story, "Born Again" (page 135) are reversed/out of order.

See also:
Grand Comics Database: The Apex Treasury of Underground Comics

Robert Crumb - 1(cover), 3, 5, 7, 9, 10(q), 13-17(a,interviewee), 18-63, 196
Don Donahue (editor+) - 7, 8-9(t)
Susan Goodrich (editor+) - 10-12(t), 13-17(interviewer)
Art Spiegelman - 7, 64-76
Gilbert Shelton - 7, 77-89, 196
Justin Green - 7, 90-102, 196
Willy Murphy - 7, 103-115, 196
Bill Griffith - 7, 116-128, 196
Kim Deitch - 7, 129-141, 196
Spain Rodriguez - 7, 142-154, 196
Bobby London - 7, 155-167, 196
Shary Flenniken - 7, 168-180
Jay Lynch - 7, 181-193, 196
Michael Lewis - 181(t)
1 - The Apex Treasury of Underground Comics
2 - blank
3 - title page
4 - blank
5 - title page
6 - indicia
7 - Contents
8 - How I Went Underground
10 - Introduction
13 - Apex Interview: Robert Crumb
18 - Mr. Natural Goes to a Meeting of the Minds
23 - It's Really Too Bad
28 - Whiteman Meets Bigfoot
50 - The R. Crumb $uck$e$$ Story
54 - Lenore Goldberg and her Girl Commandos
62 - Bo Bo Bolinski
63 - And Now, A Word to You Feminist Women
64 - Art Spiegelman, New York, 1948
65 - Maus
68 - Don't Get Around Much Anymore
69 - Ace Hole Midget Detective
77 - Gilbert Shelton, Dallas, 1940
78 - The Freaks Pull a Heist!
86 - Tricky Prickears
87 - Fat Freddy's Cat
88 - Freak Brothers - The Secret Marijuana Patch
88 - Fat Freddy's Cat
89 - Freak Brothers
89 - Fat Freddy's Cat
90 - Justin Green, Chicago, 1945
91 - This Bitter Earth
95 - Visualization & Concentration
98 - Show + Tell (cover reprint)
99 - A Sad Tale
103 - Willy Murphy, New York, 1936
104 - Big Blowout in the Donut Shop
105 - Eat Fit to Stay Right
105 - Harry Kirschner
106 - Melody House
107 - Automatic Transmission
108 - A Good Shit Is Best
110 - Arnold Peck, Any Place I Can Crash?
112 - Henry Henpeck, Henry's Punctured Romance
115 - The Snatch 'n Hammer Kids
116 - Bill Griffith, New York, 1944
117 - Zippy the Pinhead, A Fool's Paradise
125 - Randy and Cherisse in the 2nd Dimension
128 - Timothy Leary Encounters Alfred Jarry In Heaven
129 - Kim Deitch, Los Angeles, 1944
130 - Bayooh Blooze
135 - Born Again
140 - The Final Fumble
142 - Spain, Buffalo, 1940
143 - The Hand of Kaa
152 - Subvert Comics No. 2 (cover reprint)
153 - Trashman
154 - What Is a Criminal
155 - Bobby London, New York, 1950
156 - Dirty Duck
157 - Merton of the Movement, All American Hymie
160 - Dirty Duck
168 - Shary Flenniken, Norfolk, 1950
169 - Wretched Chicken
170 - Trots and Bonnie
171 - Trots and Bonnie
172 - Trots and Bonnie in "The Working Girl"
176 - Trots and Bonnie "On the Defensive"
180 - Trots and Bonnie
181 - Jay Lynch, Belmar, 1944
182 - Nard n' Pat
185 - Nard n' Pat in Dizzy as a Bee!
191 - Nard n' Pat
192 - Nard n' Pat
194 - recap
195 - blank
196 - Comix Covers (back cover)